Marcos Vilas Boas

This issue of Turbulence is illustrated by the series ‘Flat Horizon’, by Sao Paulo-based Brazilian photographer Marcos Vilas Boas. He has photographed seascapes since 1994, and started this series of pictures of nocturnal images of maritime horizon lines in 1997.  Apart from the theme, what they have in common is the use of long exposure, which turns even the subtlest changes in weather conditions or physical movements into elements producing the unique moment – of reflection, observation, and assimilation of the weather and the landscape — captured in each. These long-exposure images serve as a good metaphor of the kind of renewed attentiveness to subtle transformations that this issue proposes: their surface, limbo-like stillness is underlined by the ‘millionaire contribution’ of myriad small variations.

All images in this series, © Marcos Vilas Boas. For information about the licences under which other artwork and photographs in the issue are published, see page 2 of the magazine (PDF here).

Marcos Vilas Boas’ ‘Flat Horizon’ series was also used to illustrate the Spanish language edition of Turbulence published in April 2010.

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